In December 2024, three friends from the UK will embark on a 3000 mile unsupported rowing race across the Atlantic ocean - The World Toughest Row. Faced with rough conditions, sea sickness, exhaustion and stress, the boys aim to raise £45,000 for charity, whilst inspiring the next generation of intrepid adventurers.
"Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they will go"
T.S. Elliot
To role model a life of adventure which sets the path for other young people to follow.
Our Targets
· To carry 3000 pixels, provided by our local community, across the Atlantic Ocean. · To visit upwards of 25 schools/youth organisations to share our story and our journey.
· Raise upwards of £45,000 for our four selected charities.
· Carry out 3 local events to motivate others to seek a life of adventure.
Pixels Sponsored
Schools/Youth Organisations Visited
Corporate Sponsors
Nautical Miles
Calories burnt each day by rowers
Oar strokes over the race
Meet the crew who are going to row an ocean
Dafydd Helps-Fursse
British Heart Foundation
With absolutely no skills relating to rowing, Dafydd is an experienced sailor with a competitive nature and a will for adventure!
Josh Pearson
Alcohol Change UK
With a cheery smile and a dedication to challenging himself, Josh is our motivator whether it is more fundraising or more training!
Scott Brown
Fulham Reach Boat Club
I absolutely love rowing, challenging myself to see how much I can achieve and being competitive.
Latest News
If you are interested in the latest update on our adventure, take a sneak peek at our blog. You have nothing to loose!